jeudi 1 août 2013

Markdown plugins for sublime text 2

Quick notes on how to start editing markdown files like a PRO with sublime text 2.
This plugin will allow you to preview your markdown file in a browser with the alt+m command.
SHIFT + COMMAND + P to show the command pallet write on it Package Control: Install Package Then look for Markdown Preview.

  • Install live Relaod : Look for livereload
Once installed, you markdown preview will be updated on each file save.

Switch themes from Preferences -> Color Scheme -> User -> Monokai Extended then you will get syntax highlighting of your file.

dimanche 7 avril 2013

Get Suspend/Hibernate working on Debian Squeeze

There are two things I had to do to get suspend/hibernate working on my Debian Squeeze.

1/ Create or edit /etc/pm/config.d/modules and put:

SUSPEND_MODULES="rfkill ehci_hcd"

This keeps the fan from going crazy each time you try to suspend or hibernate your laptop.

2/ Create a file /etc/pm/config.d/10no-vt-switc­h and put: [source]

ADD_PARAMETERS=" --quirk-no-chvt --quirk-none "

Without the --quirk-no-chvt suspend/hibernate worked only once. It always fails to resume the second time I tried a suspend/hibernate with a black screen